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Terms and Conditions for Material Use

FRAUDGUARD INC. is a not-for-profit corporation designed to help educate the Canadian public in self-defense against victimization and to utilize knowledge as the power for suppression of all fraudulent activities that may undermine the Canadian economy and way of life. is the website presented with the sole intention of sharing victim experiences and preventative information with unsuspecting Canadians who could fall prey to professional criminals. Information presented is developed from research and hearsay reports from many sources of both private and public authorities in regard to the subject matter covered. While attempts are consistently made to verify the information provided on this website, FraudGuard Inc, and the numerous authors do not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions or any contrary interpretation of the subject matter.

Individual Legal advice is always recommended! The information available on this website is not intended to be legal advice, nor a substitute for obtaining legal advice from competent, independent legal counsel. It also is not designed or intended to be relied upon as authoritative financial, investment or professional advice. Interpretation and use of any FraudGuard material, including the FRAUD-F-X website is by express agreement that the this entity is NOT in any way engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal or expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.

All information provided by FraudGuard Inc. may be subject to change and or reinterpretation according to local jurisdictions, laws and regulations. All users are herby advised to consider this material as an eye-opener pointing to the directions for possible personal research and the potential need to retain competent counsel to determine what local jurisdictions, laws and regulations may apply to the user's particular experience.

FraudGuard Inc. nor nor Tom Dyer, nor any volunteer assisting the presentation of material warrants the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information published on this website or in print form, nor endorses any content, viewpoint, product, or service mentioned on this or any other website, and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of such information. Portions of such information may be incorrect or not current. Any person that relies on any information obtained from this website does so at his or her own risk.

FraudGuard Inc. nor nor Tom Dyer, nor any volunteer assisting the presentation of materials is responsible for misinterpretation and/or misuse of any material. Users of provided materials assume full personal responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, both federal and provincial and local governing professional licensing, business practices, advertising and all other aspects of doing business in Canada or any other jurisdiction is the sole responsibility of the user. FraudGuard Inc. nor nor Tom Dyer, nor any volunteer assumes any responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any visitor of this site.

The purpose of this site is solely to educate and entertain Canadians with information and material that will help them understand vulnerability to criminal activities and defend themselves from victimization. Any perceived slights to a specific individual or organizations are unintentional. FraudGuard Inc. nor nor Tom Dyer, assume any responsibility for information knowledge or intention to use the presented materials in any illegal process.

FraudGuard Inc. nor nor Tom Dyer, nor any volunteer aiding the presentation of materials is responsible for spamming caused by malicious mischief, virus programs, or other form of malicious intent, nor by computer error, ISP error, server error, web host error, nor any unintentional act resulting in unsolicited email. Any occurrence of this nature must be immediately reported to Fraud-F-X. Any report of unsolicited email allegedly emanating from or its owner will be investigated immediately!
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FraudGuard Inc. or its agents and volunteers is responsible for breach of privacy caused by malicious mischief, virus programs, or other form of malicious intent, nor by computer error, ISP error, server error, web host error, nor any unintentional act resulting in divulgence. All steps are taken to ensure the privacy of all parties who provide or its owner with personal information, including the storage of email content and addresses on floppy disc or separate hard drive storage. is the registered website and free education defence service of FraudGuard Inc.
All selections within this site are 2006 Copyright to FraudGuard Inc.