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Health Effects of Fraud
Fraud Attack is so stressfully punishing
it brings tangible body responses of
declining health that is unfair but avoidable!

The most important concern for the effects of fraud, is your state of health! Medical science will often decree that stress is the underlying cause of many or most disorders. The difficulty is identifying which stress has caused what disorder! I was lucky to find BioEnergy Therapy that pioneers a wealth of knowledge associating stress to symptom. If you could just know which stressful issue to fix in your life you could easily reduce or remove the causal purpose of that reflection of dis-ease in the body to trigger such body symptoms to melt away.

After such betrayal and deceit of Fraud Attack your world is thrown up-side down to make you vulnerable to disorder symptoms from stress. There is nothing more stressful than personal violation and then personal implication of self-responsibility as you begin to question, "Why me?" Your thoughts can and will become self-depreciating and judgmental. Blame and self-loathing is an added emotional condition of stress that is the last thing you need.

As you process the events over and over you are likely to suffer escalation in stiffness, chronic pain in various muscles or joints and general fatigue for starters. These are all blanket symptoms of general stress reflecting a self-responsible desire to just stop it all from continuing; to stop it from ever happening!. But this kind of self-judgment is such an undermining negative process that it will destabilize major organs like your heart, lungs, kidneys and gastro-intestinal system.

The dis-eases you perceive happening in your life do reflect into the body as symbolic symptoms of diseases meant as a spiritual communication telling what life imbalance needs to be resolved in order to regain body balance of health. It is common understanding that worry brings stomach ulcers so consider that symbolically we analyze life in our abdomen and the digestion system reflects how we digest our life experience! Our negative thoughts as upsets strike us in the digestion and processing of nutrition and waste elimination. From heartburn to hemorrhoids we endure stomach and bowel problems as a direct result of the troublesome life circumstances we encounter.

Your heart will also be under duress as result of stressful perceptions of disharmony, anger, and imagined lost self-worth. The more you feel lost freedom in your perception of situational guilt and the potential imagined future implications your lungs may feel shortness of breath. This is understandable because if you have endured Fraud Attack and its aftermath of financial complications, you are not experiencing the happy go lucky life that brings good health and longevity. Your health stands to be REALLY messed up by victimization of fraud. YOU ARE STILL A WORTHY PERSON! You have made a costly mistake but please do not let your health suffer too.

Physical problems brought on by stressful perceptions can kill you if you let them get out of control. is the registered website and free education defence service of FraudGuard Inc.
All selections within this site are 2006 Copyright to FraudGuard Inc.