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Identifying Allies
Fraud Victims feel isolated, desperate,
amid a life seemingly in ruins
feeling scared, alone with no idea
where to turn for help.

The Fear of the unknown aftermath of Fraud is intimidating, demoralizing, and immobilizing. Once this sets in it becomes terribly hard to get up every day with the weight of your world on your mind. Even the strongest, most independent person is bolstered by aid from others. You need to realize those friends and family that are close enough to be confidants on other issues yet may have an initial belittling response to your plight, are still your best personal support team because when they get over themselves they really do care about you. This is a win-win scenario because, once they get it, they will be very reliable allies who will help you uncover the information you need to defend your self. If you are feeling isolated, only you can do something to change this feeling; rally your troops. You need to stand in your truth and continue to be a leader against the wrongdoing of fraud. You need to believe that your life, while in challenge at the moment, is not in ruins. You will eventually overcome all that is going on and live on to prosper. Rallying help, even if its just advisory or moral support of friends, is a major strategy way to get through every day in a positive forward motion kind of way. It is the way to pick up and continue with your life.

The resolution of this, with no loss whatsoever, could have been implemented in such a simple fashion but the banker co-victim was unwilling to bare any responsibility in the case not even in the potential retrieval of funds. I suspect the banker was too personally invested in making me totally responsible for the loss to insure that any involvement would not spoil the manager's banking record so that meant having nothing to do with it, including prevention of loss to begin with. I know this may not make sense to you, because why a banker would not act in retrieval of a fraudulent loss is beyond me but this is what happened and the only other reason for nonintervention would be to implicate the banker in some potential of scooping the money in transit, because at no time have I heard the money actually landed in the orient from anyone but my bank. Even the crook kept calling, hounding me as to why he didn't receive his money. However, I am told that I am very fortunate to have immediately reacted in a proactive way that I did. This is apparently a very positive development for me. If this ever comes to a trial deciding culpability it has carved my integrity into the timeline history as a victim who at least tried to stop the crime in the eyes of the law. I strongly recommend that people attacked by fraud keep their wits together, and instantly become proactive in gathering information and taking steps in an attempt to stop the fraud or catch the criminals. Even if this attempt is unsuccessful in recovery of monies or capture of criminals it will be successful in establishing your true honest nature.

The resolution of this, with no loss whatsoever, could have been implemented in such a simple fashion but the banker co-victim was unwilling to bare any responsibility in the case not even in the potential retrieval of funds. I suspect the banker was too personally invested in making me totally responsible for the loss to insure that any involvement would not spoil the manager's banking record so that meant having nothing to do with it, including prevention of loss to begin with. I know this may not make sense to you, because why a banker would not act in retrieval of a fraudulent loss is beyond me but this is what happened and the only other reason for nonintervention would be to implicate the banker in some potential of scooping the money in transit, because at no time have I heard the money actually landed in the orient from anyone but my bank. Even the crook kept calling, hounding me as to why he didn't receive his money.

However, I am told that I am very fortunate to have immediately reacted in a proactive way that I did. This is apparently a very positive development for me. If this ever comes to a trial deciding culpability it has carved my integrity into the timeline history as a victim who at least tried to stop the crime in the eyes of the law. I strongly recommend that people attacked by fraud keep their wits together, and instantly become proactive in gathering information and taking steps in an attempt to stop the fraud or catch the criminals. Even if this attempt is unsuccessful in recovery of monies or capture of criminals it will be successful in establishing your true honest nature.

In identifying your allies, drop anyone who insists standing negatively in judgment of you. Waste nothing on negativity. This is a tough enough time to deal with and your ego does not need negative influences around you. You will be amazed that as you start to grow as a person in working out of this problem overtime, these acquaintances will see your strength of character, and return with respect you have earned. A good life goal is to live respected and to die regretted. The bigger gift will be the wisdom that you gain as you choose to remain open about this problem. As you share this topic with others and details about your case, you will be surprised at how often people will open up about fraud that they endured. In shared vulnerability you learn about hidden things that have happened to them. All knowledge is power so its possible that points you learn from such discussions will trigger something for your defense. Listen, but only listen to those positive people that really want to help you.

You do not need to listen to anyone who wants to tear down the good person you are. Spend time with those who will provide needed moral support. It is invaluable now. is the registered website and free education defence service of FraudGuard Inc.
All selections within this site are 2006 Copyright to FraudGuard Inc.